
Showing posts from December, 2017

Criminal justice system

One of the fundamental problems of the criminal justice system is the amount of discretion exercise by the police. However a distinction must be made between theory and practice. Since the enactment of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), the police in theory have had a lot less discretion and are made to account for a lot more of their movements and have more guidelines to follow then previously. However in practice there can be little accountability since most of the accountability of police required is in writing which can be achieved whether or not the police have acted in that way.

Other political systems

Political anthropology looks at how societies or groups of people develop political systems based on the structure of their society. It consists of the methods people adopt to achieve political ends, the processes by which politics are established and upheld, and the many forms of societies that emerge through different cultural dynamics. It determines how people classify, structure, and appoint political power and prestige in a society.